

Yes, another "mom blog"... "Another one?" you ask.  Well, yes! Each mom is an individual with unique experiences and perspectives.  It's good to have a variety of voices.  Here's mine.

PC: Sariah Harvey Photography
Dress: Sexy Mama Maternity
Let us start with an introduction.  My name is Aidan Huff. I am a retired ballerina and am currently a dance teacher.  I have a Bachelor's Degree in Health Sciences.  I am the mom to two beautiful little girls, Ezrianna (19-months) and Luna (3-months), and the wife of a fireman. We have four huskies and two sugar gliders. We are also in the process of building our forever home in the great Sonoran Desert.

So what is it that makes my experiences and perspectives unique?  Well, the biggest difference is that I am neurodivergent. I have Asperger's Syndrome. I am Autistic. Hence -Neurodiverget Mama. I'm not planning to dwell on that point, however.  I want this to be a lifestyle blog.  It's just going to be from the perspective of an autistic mama, which will most likely mean that it will be a little different.  That's how things always go with me!  Just a little different... 

I plan to cover diet, personal parenting preferences, and autism tips that worked for me. I plan to have a subcategory focusing on dance and dance teaching also, of course!

I am excited to pursue this and am glad to have you follow along in my new endeavor! 

For exciting updates and general "life", follow me on Instagram (@amhufflepuff)


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